Instructions for the $239 Custom Hat Give-away
1. Design your hat -
- Check out the Design Tool
- Create a design for the hats you'd like to win (it's easy)
- Like the page using the Facebook button near the top
- Take a Screen Capture of your design
(instructions for Mac and Windows below)
2. Send us your design -
- send the Screen Capture as an attachment to [email protected]
- include your Facebook id in your email so we can check out your post
3. There is no 3 - That's it!
- the winner will be chosen randomly and notified via email
- Good Luck!
Screen Capture for the Mac
- Command-Shift-4 will allow you to mark a rectangle for capture
- Releasing the mouse button will save the captured image to your desktop
- The filename will be something like: Screen shot 2012-01-04 at 1.26.03 PM.png
Screen Capture for Windows
- Click on the browser window to be sure the Design Tool is the Active window
- Press the Alt-PrintScreen (Alt-PrtScrn) key combination
- This will put the browser window image into your clipboard
- Open MS-Paint (from Start/Run, issue the command "mspaint") Create a new empty image, and use Edit/Paste to paste your screenshot
- Save your image as a PNG file